![]() The Archives... |
Aiee. I'm still hiatused. Good news is: life is finally quietening down a tad. The reason for this prolonged haitus is that at first, I had my final exams for university - as this was my final year, this was a pretty major thing and all the subjects this last semester have been significantly harder than other semesters. So... obviously I didn't get much time for thinking about my comic for a couple weeks before and for the entire exam-week (fortnight) process. Then I got some relief in the form of 2 days of holiday before I was scheduled to leave for Sydney! Sydney was great by the way, and I reccomend a nice long holiday there to everyone (Aussies and foriegners alike) So, after I spent a week in Sydney (not to mention all of my money and my credit!) I got back to Brisbane with about 3 days before my lease expired on my flat. Thus there was frantic cleaning, packing and very busy busyness involved in getting my affairs in order to leave the city that had been my home for the past 3 years. In amongst all this, I seemed to find the time to meet a beautiful boy named Wayne and we're now hopelessly in love. so... there you go. Life is finally starting to settle into a bit more quiet a routine, but I still don't know when I'll be focussing on Dream in a big way again. In the mean time... CHECKIT! There's all new, all colour cast pictures!! He he... Um. Gomenesai! I didn't mean this comic to be on hiatus for so long! I've managed to draw a couple of strips and I've told myself that I should really get my arse into gear and draw some more - every week in fact! But I still can't promis you anything. Sorry. In other news, Uni is still hectic, but I figure, I draw anyway, so I may as well be drawing Dream. My plans for a Mecha webcomic (those of you who read my Journal will know about this) is on hold - I think I want someone to write scripts for me. I'm too lazy to write scripts. At least I've already planned most of what's going to happen in Dream for the next few months, Next saturday will be the introduction of the long awaited Adrian. (Check cast page - he already has an entry there) Also, I've gotten more gift art. Although the contributor of this latest piece has asked to remain annonymous. (Not sure why, the piece is really cute!) While updating the art section, I'll put up the magnificent piece of art Vince Suzakawa did for me in exchange for the art I did for him however long ago it was (It's used as an example in the commissions section. Which I should update some time soon as well.) Well, that's it for me till next week. Probably next week.
Remember - no promises. Check my LJ. The truth is out there. Well, will you look at that... two updates in as many weeks... perhaps I really am back on schedule :) Not much to write about, except that I'd like more and more readers to register on the forum! I've had a couple of people contact me with something resembling fan-mail who didn't seem to realise that the forum is free to register on, it doesn't take long. And forum participation is fun! Honest! Ask all the current forumites. Back again next week :) Ugh... my poor fans... You guys must hate me. It's been more than a MONTH since I produced a comic. What the hell kinda online cartoonist am I? Well, misgivings about my sorry lack of performance aside, I'm glad to be back in the swing of things. Uni goes back soon... a time during which, despite the fact that I have uni nearly every day, I often seem to have a lot of free time. That being said, this is the last year of the course and is notorious for being difficult. Regardless, I hope to bring you my weekly comic on a weekly basis once more. There's kinda more I want to put in my blog this week, but I'm getting tired and it won't be Saturday for too much longer, so I'm just gonna stop here and live with what I've got so far. Catch you all on the forum. Well... it's a bit late. But it's a comic. And it IS still Saturday... so be grateful. Note that I've added the gift art I recieved during the week to the Art page. Thanks again Tidal Night, I really like it. ... Also... How did you know Victoria wears glasses? I don't think that I've ever posted any of the art I've done where she's wearing them. *evil eyes* Are you spying on me? heh. Anyway. Work is taking up a lot of time, but I think I'll still be able to keep updating... it wasn't TOO difficult to get this up today. That's all. Well. What an interesting turn of events. No sooner do I finally get back from holidays and get back into producing Dream, does my life turn around again for about a month! I've just been offered a casual position (that may become a permanent part time position depending on my performance compared to the young man who's job I'm taking while he's on holidays...) at the Wesley Hospital here in Brisbane. This is allegedly a lovely hospital and one of my friends from the radiography course I do is working there in a similar position to the one I'll be getting. It'll be paid work (not good money, but money nonetheless) so you probably won't catch me bitching about it as much as I was with the last one month disruption to my life of luxury. I will be endeavouring to continue updating Dream weekly though. If I can't manage that then it will be updates as I can get them done. Also, this is the beginning of the Second Movement. Yay! Aaaaaannd welcome back. Sorry for the extreme delay everyone, I'm very gratefull that those of you here have stayed with me even though I've spent about a month and a half without producing a comic. Dream will resume it's regular update schedule of once a week on Saturdays from now untill the next time my life is turned upside down. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New-years. The forum has a little speal somewhere on it concerning what I've been doing for the past 6 weeks. Read that if you really wanna know. But suffice to say, It's good to be home and not so busy for once. Now I've got to attend to a list of things to do that's longer than my arm. So off I go again... busy busy busy. :P Oh Yeah... And I thought I'd also mention that the Guest-art page still has very little guest art on it... So if you feel like drawing one or more of the Dream characters, don't hesitate. Send me an email with an attachment! (I believe my email address is listed all over this site, but incase you missed it's lithoart@tpg.com.au) Bad news Dream fans. Dream is now officially deviating from a regular update schedule for the next month and one week due to the sudden impingments made on my free time by my Clinical Placement schedule at the Brisbane Private Hospital. Dream may update occasionally, but it's not going to be regular for a while. What I'm going to do though, is, every time I do manage a comic, I'll advertise the fact in my LiveJournal. (Here) and that way you'll all know what's goin' on. Sorry to do this to ya, but ... you know. I'm suddenly missing 8 hours a day that I have grown accustomed to having to myself to do with as I please. Now I have very little free time at all, and I spend most of it sleeping, travelling or trying to earn a buck (tutoring some kids in physics... my pet subject.) I've finally put some material up on the commissions page giving you an indication of the sort of stuff I will produce on request for moneys. As yet, I've had no requests made... but there was one tentative expression of interest. Didn't ammount to anything though, so you know. Not really worth thinking about now. In other news, I will soon be holding regular "Chat with the Cast" sessions on an IRC server to be held at a yet to be aranged time. The server will be irc.liquidirc.com:6667 and the chanel will be simply #Dream. I'll be starting a new thread in the forum that will be used to decide on a good date and time to hold the sessions (probably once a month or thereabouts.) and of course, on which cast member you'd most like to chat with. Anyway, new comic up tomorrow... looking forward to it. News for old readers. Just letting you know that I've added a strip to the archives, it slots in in between the first strip and the second as a chapter marker. Not really a strip as such, but pretty enough in my own opinion. A new month and a new comic on the same day. Aren't you all just plain lucky. You may have noticed that there's a new Happy fun link (see right). This one's not only lots of happy fun, but if you think it's happy fun enough to allow yourself to become addicted to, then I get moneys. But only if you use the link I've provided. If you go and subscribe elsewhere, I get nothin. (sads.) Not much new to say, except that you should go check out the Halloween Art competition on the SJ forum... but as a majority of my readers are SJ forumites, I suspect most of you already know, have voted and possibly even made entries for it. On a related note, my Art page (see the link right) is still a little lacking in the guest creations department. If you have any artistic talent I'd be honoured to see your takes on my characters... hell even if you DON'T have any artistic talent, I'd be honoured by the fact that you submitted something. Of course, I am aware that due to the EARLY stages of the comic (it not having progressed beyond The First Day yet) you may not have a feel for the characters. So you know... just bear with me. I'm slow and lazy... and forgetful... but the comic will keep coming along, one strip at a time. :) New art up on the art page if you're interested! I'm pretty happy with it - It took me forever to do and I put lots of work into it, but I think it paid off. Hollidays are just going too quickly for me at the moment. In almost no time at all, I'll be going to WORK for 8 hours a day! Talk about putting a crimp in my style! WORKING!! Anyway, that's all. Stay tuned for Saturday's strip! It should be up on time this week... I hope. Ok, here's the explanation for the late comic again. It was My BIRTHDAY yesterday! Not only that, but I only got back from Hervey Bay at about 12:45 this morning. So I just didn't have access to a computer that could do everything I needed it to do to update the comic. Everything was drawn... I just needed my Delicious Baby. (that's my PC, not a baby based foodstuff.) I got some CDs and an electric razor and a copy of Homeworld 2 for my birthday... as well as some chocolate... and a cheque from the grandparents. Nothing really expensive or over the top, but that's because everyone in my family is in the same boat I am at the moment: Strapped for cash. Besides, it's the thought that counts. I may go and eat away my savings later on this week by bying myself something extravagant for my birthday as well. Anywhoo... that's it, hopefully I'll have next week's Dream up on time. Well, I didn't manage to get Dream up on Saturday, but it's Monday today, and that's not too far behind, so I think I can be excused, besides, you got your last comic on Thursday! So it's not like you had to wait THAT long... In fantastic news, I've recieved my first piece of gift art from the incredibly talented Vince Suzakawa. This has lead me to actually get around to putting together that art page I was talking about quite some time ago - it has two sections to it, stuff I've drawn that contains Dream characters but isn't related to the story or is otherwise non cannon, and a section for all the art that other people send me (currently containing only this one work by Vince) I'd also like to note that I've finally finished exams and am now on holiday! This means I may be able to get around to drawing a few strips in advance - which I hope to do, because I'll be going away for about a week and a half soon and will have no access to my scanner or web-building facilities. (Scary huh?) Anyway, that's it for this update, - Litho This week's Dream is late again. It's all because of exams and so on... I'm sure anyone who's either in University or who has done a degree knows, exams tend to take up a lot of your spare time. And if they don't you're probably doing it wrong. Anyway, I've added Ryan's bio to the cast page so you can go and read to your heart's content the 2 paragraphs about the sexy pup. Happy fun link has also been updated! Be sure to check it out. - Litho. Amusing thing happened to me today... of course, at the time it wasn't quite so amusing... but it is in retrospect. Visit my LJ to check it out: CLICK HERE! Well, last Saturday's comic is finally up. Curse exams and their horrible impact on my life... one of these days we will actually get matrix-esque learning downloaded directly into our brains via electronic interface in a matter of seconds... that and nano-bots... mmmmm nano bots. When I can finally afford to flood my cerebellum with nano bots, I'll never have to worry about pretty much anything again. I'll use a remote controller positioned behind my ears to program the bots to build a harvesting plant in some of the lesser used lobes of my brain, there they can detach the carbon dioxide from the heamoglobin and process the carbon into more nano-bots. Then when there's enough of them, I can have them build a remote controller within my brain itself and I'll never have to worry. They'll be the perfect immune system, they can suppliment my physical structures with mechanical ones making me impervious to poisons, 30 times as strong as any normal man a veritable supergenius and nearly anything I want. I can't wait to flood by brain with tiny robots... it'll be great. - Litho. Sigh, It had to happen
eventually... update will be late this week. Sorry folks. Guess there goes my perfect record. Commissions available! I've recently decided to open up my services for commissions, but sadly, as I'm a starving student, they won't be free. I'm including a commissions page (see the links to the right) that will contain all the pricing details and a couple examples of the sorts of things you can expect from a commission from me. For the most part, the commissions will be PG rated, but for those of you into that sort of thing, more explicit stuff can be aranged. (but there won't be any examples of that stuff on the site for you to look at... I'm trying to keep this site open to young viewers still.) Anyway, the commissions will be including both characters from Dream and your own characters from MU* systems or just your handy little fursona. So, come on, help out a starving artist by commissioning a piece of art. It'll improve your Karma! Comic's up... just on schedule again... it's still Satuday, so you can't say it's late. So there. Anyway. Despite the fact that I'm not entirely happy with all of the art in this week's comic (mostly because I did it in a rush because I'm slack and don't deserve my own webcomic) I have fallen in love with a small part of it. See if you can guess what that part is. You may see it returning more regularly to the strip if I have anything to do with it. Happy Fun Link has been updated. I decided to keep the cameos short. So this week is the last one featuring Jay, from RoD. There's still a possibility that I may include Rae himself at a later date, but as yet, that's quite unlikely. The new link, is Boy Meets Boy, a comic that has recently come from these hallowed pages of Keenspace and has been promoted to Keenspot due to fantastic fans. (I can only hope that one day, my comic graduatest to Keenspot. although I highly doubt that will happen any time soon) Anyway, I also intend to get round to answering some of the "Ask Litho" questions on the forum at some point during the next week while I seek out new ways to avoid studying for my exams while still not actively playing Anarchy Online or watching movies. Ok, that's it for this update. And as I said quite some time ago, I have every intention of adding a fan-art page to the website as soon as somebody sees fit to draw some. heh - Litho. Sigh - might be a sloppy update again this week people, I wouldn't be suprised if I don't have it up till the end of Saturday. (Of course, as you lot are mostly an american audience, for you it will be the start of Saturday... so it's really only an apology for those of you who are in similar timezones to me. Life just keeps getting more and more hectic doesn't it? Phew. Comic done and online - (It's 11:25pm here, so it's still Saturday) That was close. I needed to watch a crappy romantic comedy style film out away from the computer so that I could finally finish the art for it. Not much else to report, so I'll just GET TO and activate a manual update to make sure everything is running smoothly. Thanks for your patience people! And it's been a while. I been getting a little sloppy on the looking after this page - been sick recently and I am running behind schedule to get this Saturday's comic up on time. I think I might still manage it, but depends what I'm doing tomorrow. In interesting news, I've been linked to by one of the few sites that I respect the most (Suburban Jungle - see the link section to the right.) Not a big, clear or obvious link, but link nonetheless. Anyway, the next comic to come up will be the first one to guest star characters from Rae of Darkness. I'm still tossing up wether to go into a full crossover style story line, or simply do a couple of character cameos for a few episodes and then continue with the main plot of '...Dream'. I'm thinking I might keep the RoD cast's involvement in Dream to a minimum, because eventually things might get a little interesting and there could be world-view clashes. No-one wants that. Anyway, that's it for today... hopefull the comic will be up on schedule. - Litho. "Fantastic"
I say as I read my email today. My forum is finally up and runningperfectly.
Goodbye message board, hello multi-thread, pretty, funky forum. Click
the link >> For those of you who had posts on the old message board, you can still read them Here. But goodness knows why you'd want to go back to that when you can have the new one. - Litho. Right, well. The Cast page is up with some new art on it (Not to be seen anywhere else in the comic! are you excited!?) Go visit it now! I've also included
my Happy fun link over here >> I'm still waiting on the new forum to come through, so unfortunately, we'll have to live with the fairly sloppy little message board thing I've got going at the moment for a little while longer. Hopefully it shouldn't take too long to get set up. In other news, I got my ADSL modem yesterday! Now, while this may be exciting, I must note that the people I've aranged everything through still haven't activated the line yet. So it's going to be another 4 to 7 days till I can start downloading things and surfing reliably without having to swear loudly about my annoying ISP and stupid session times and... I digress. Next I'll be working on Gallery page, and, as soon as I start getting enough fans and people who want to send in fan-art, I'll put up a page for that too. 2003 - August 16th (a little bit later) I think I've fixed the archives... Should be good to go. 2003 - August
16th. But now, I have this dandy little Blog on the front page. It won't get updated too often, so I'll make a note of putting the date at the top of every entry so you don't get all disoriented. I'll be working on a cast page eventually, and a forum is in the works too. But for now, if you want to contact me about Dream, don't hesitate to email me: litho@speedynet.aunz.com In other Dream related news... I also intend to create a fan art/etc page, a gallery page for Dream related art that doesn't really fit into the story and a links page where I'll link to things that interest me at the time.... actually, I think I might just do that here, on the front page. OK... well, that's it. Stuff is still getting done, but very slowly. Hope y'all like the comic thus far. - Litho.